Do life partners make good business partners? What challenges will they face? How do Tam and Morgan of Rebel Heart Therapy make it work? Hear it all on this episode of the Queer Joy Podcast; where two relationship therapists explore what it looks like to see joy in queer relationships.
Pro-choice resources:
Marches, action, and abortion support: plannedparenthoodaction.org Donate or get financial assistance for abortion: abortionfunds.org Laws and legal stuff: nwlc.org
Resources in Spanish: latinainstitute.org
Shop at As You Like It here: bit.ly/asyoulikeitshop
Connective Therapy Collective website: www.connectivetherapycollective.com
Rebel Heart Therapy website: www.rebelheartpdx.com
FB & IG: @connectivetherapycollective